Journal article

  1. Altieri, N.*, & Yang, C.-T. (2016, Jun). Parallel Linear Dynamic Models Can Mimic the McGurk Effect in Clinical Populations. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 41,143-155. DOI 10.1007/s10827-016-0610-z.
  2. Chang, T.-Y., Little, D. R., & Yang, C.-T.* (2016, May). Selective attention modulates the effect of target location probability on redundant signal processing. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.78(6), 1603-1624. dol: 10.3758/s13414-016-1127-2.
  3. Yang, C.-T.*, Yu, J.-C., & Chang, W.-S. (2016, Jun). Using systems factorial technology to investigate cognitive processing in redundant visual-auditory signals. Chinese Journal of Psychology.58(2), 1-20
  4. Yang, C.-T.*, Tseng, P., & Wu, Y.-J. (2015, Feb). Effect of decision load on whole -display superiority in change detection. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 77(3), 749-758.
  5. Yu, J.-C., Chang, T.-Y., & Yang, C.-T.* (2014, Dec). Individual differences in working memory capacity and workload capacity. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:1465. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01465
  6. Chang, T.-Y., & Yang, C.-T.* (2014, Nov). Individual Differences in Zhong-Yong Tendency and Processing Capacity. Frontiers in Psychology. 5:1316. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01316.
  7. Yu, J.-C., Chang, T.-Y., & Yang, C.-T.* (2014, Sep). Working memory capacity predicts workload capacity, Visual Cognition, 22(8), 1046-1049.
  8. Yang, C.-T.*, Little, D. R., & Hsu, C.-C. (2014, Jun). The influence of cueing on attentional focus in perceptual decision making. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76(8), 2256-2275.
  9. Wu, C.-H.*, Yang, C.-T., & Huang, L.-N. (2014, Jan). On the predictive effect of multidimensional importance-weighted quality of life scores on overall subjective well-being. Social Indicators Research, 115(3), 933-943.
  10. Yeh, Y.-Y.*, Chao, H.-F., Huang, Y.-M., Kuo, B.-C., Yang, C.-T., Kuo, C.-Y., & Lin,S.-H. (2013, Sep). The roles of representations in selection. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 55(3), 319-342
  11. Yang, C.-T.*, Hsu, C.-C., Huang, Y.-M., & Tsai, Y.-C. (2013, Mar). Examining the effect of perceptual saliency on the liking judgment. Chinese Journal of Psycho logy, 55(1), 139-158.
  12. Yang, C.-T.*, Chang, T.-Y., & Wu, C.-J. (2013, Oct). Relative change probability affects the decision process of detecting multiple feature changes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(5), 1365-1385.
  13. Yang, C.-T.*, Tseng, P., Huang, K.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-Y.* (2012, Sep). Prepared or not repared: Top-down modulation on memory of features and feature bindings. Acta Psychologica, 141(3), 327-335.
  14. Yang, C.-T.*, Chiu, Y.-C., & Yeh, Y.-Y. (2012, Oct). Feature saliency affects delayed matching of an attended feature. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 24(6), 714-726.
  15. Teng, W.-G.*, Chang, P.-L., & Yang, C.-T. (2012, Sep). Adaptive and efficient color quantization based on a growing Self-Organizing Map. IET Image Processing, 6(5), 463-472.
  16. Wu, C.-H.*, & Yang, C.-T. (2012, Sep). Attachment and exploration in adulthood: The mediation effect of social support. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 346-354.
  17. Tsai, Y.-C., & Yang, C.-T.* (2012, Jun). The effect of perceptual load on the processing of a distracting schematic face. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 54, 253-267.
  18. Yang, C.-T.*, Hsu, Y.-F., Huang, H.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-Y. (2011, Sep). Relative salience affects the process of detecting changes in orientation and luminance. Acta Psychologica, 138(3), 377-389.
  19. Yang, C.-T.* (2011, Jul). Relative saliency in change signals affects perceptual comparison and decision processes in change detection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(6), 1708–1728.
  20. Yang, C.-T., Chang, W.-S., Cheng, F.-N., & Teng, W.-G.* (2011, Jun). Gaze-based feedback in assessing media relevance. Journal of Computers, 22(2), 23-32.
  21. Tseng, Y.-C, Yang, C.-T., & Yeh, Y.-Y* (2010, Aug). Dual processes in the recognition of objects in visual working memory. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 772-772.
  22. Chu, C.-F, Cheng, M., Cheb, C.-C, Yang, C.-T., Yeh, Y.-Y* (2009, Aug). Object identification in scene background of different spatial frequencies. Journal of Vision, 9(8), 808-808.
  23. Yang, C.-T., Shih, C.-H. Cheng, M., & Yeh, Y.-Y.* (2009, Jan). Similarity modulates the face-capturing effect in change detection. Visual Cognition, 17, 484-499.
  24. Yeh, Y.-Y.*, & Yang, C.-T. (2009, Dec). Is a pre-change object representation weakened under correct detection of a change? Conscious & Cognition, 18, 91-102.
  25. Yang, C.-T., & Yeh, Y.-Y.* (2009, Dec). Memory error in recognizing a pre-change object. Psychological Research, 73, 75-88.
  26. Yao, G.*, Wu, C.-H., & Yang, C.-T. (2008, Apr). Examining the content validity of the WHOQOL-BREF from respondents’ perspective by quantitative methods. Social Indicators Research, 85, 483-498
  27. Yeh, Y.-Y.*, & Yang, C.-T. (2008, Mar). Object memory and change detection: Dissociation as a function of visual and conceptual similarity. Acta Psychologica, 127, 114-128.
  28. Yeh, Y.-Y.*, Yang, C.-T., & Chiu, Y.-C. (2005, Jul). Binding or prioritization: The role of selective attention in visual Short-Term Memory. Visual Cognition, 12, 759 - 799.